Bulk import data to Caspio with EasyCSV
How to use EasyCSV to bulk import records into your Caspio database.
Quick Links:
How to connect Caspio and EasyCSV. Then do your first import.
- Log into EasyCSV
- Create or go to the import page you have set up for importing your spreadsheets.
- After the page is created, click the "Sheet Details" link at the top of the page.
- Under the section, "Where to send import data?" click the checkbox for "Post imports to an API / Webhook".
- Now we need to make our Caspio REST API URL to post to for creating records in a table. Use this URL and replace the necessary info: https://xxxxx.caspio.com/rest/v2/tables/{TABLE_NAME}/records <- replace "xxxxx" with your Account ID. To get your Account ID, log into you Caspio App, click "Account" in the top nav, click "Account Settings", and you will see your Account ID. Replace {TABLE_NAME} with the name of your table where you want new records to be created.
- Take the URL you have created and paste it in the "Api / Webhook URL" field.
- Scroll down and click save.
- To get our API Auth Token, we must grab some details first. Go to "Account" in the top nav, click "Access permissions", click "Web Services Profiles".
- Make a new Profile with the following info: Profile Name set to "EasyCSV1". Use your email address for Email Address. Make sure the profile has the correct permissions to be allowed to push data into your Capsio database.
- Copy and paste the following some place we can use shortly, like a text file or doc: Token Endpoint URL, Client ID, and Client Secret. We will need them for the next step.
- Click Save
- Follow the directions from Caspio here to generate your Authentication token via OAuth: Autheticating Rest. Contact support@easycsv.io if you need help
- Copy your generated Token and make it a header in EasyCSV. Go to your EasyCSV import page and click the "Request Headers" link at the top. Click the "New Request Header" button. The key/name should be: Authorization. The value should be: Bearer xxAUTH_TOKENxx. Replace "xxAUTH_TOKENxx" with your generated token.
- Click Save.
- Last step, map your CSV columns and Virtual Fields to fields in your Caspio database using Custom JSON. On your EasyCSV import page, click the link at the top for "Customize JSON to Post". You will make a simple JSON object where the keys will be your database column names. The values will be the syntax for columns and virtual field values, example: {{ FULL_NAME }}. You can find your table column names by clicking the "Design" tab in Caspio when looking at the table.
Example:{ "FullName":"{{ FULL_NAME }}", "Email":"{{ EMAIL }}", "PhoneNumber":"{{ PHONE }}" }
- Click Save.
- You can now import CSV files on your import page! Contact support@easycsv.io if you need any help.