Use Google Sheets & EasyCSV Together
How to use EasyCSV to allow uploads of multiple spreadsheets into on Google Sheet.
How to setup uploading to a Google Sheet from EasyCSV - 2 minutes
- Connect your Google Account to EasyCSV. Simply log out of EasyCSV. Then on the EasyCSV login screen choose to log in with your Google Account.
- Create a sheet import page on
- After the page is created, click the "Sheet Details" link at the top of the page.
- Under the section, "Where to send import data?" click the checkbox for "Post to Google Sheets".
- Search for a sheet to send all data to.
- Optional: You can specify a tab/worksheet in the destination Google Sheet. If you leave this option blank all data will be appended to the first tab/worksheet in the Google Sheet.
- Optional: You can specify how you want row data added to your Google Sheet. The default and most popular is to have the new row data appended to the sheet AFTER what is already there. You may also choose to CLEAR existing row data in your Google Sheet before EasyCSV adds the new data to the Google Sheet.
- Optional: You can specify to have a new tab/worksheet created for each import in the destination Google Sheet.
- Make sure the first row in the Google Sheet are the column headers you want to match columns from import CSVs spreadsheet columns. You can also include "Magic Column Headers" that will populate with import data (read below).
- It's that easy!
Magic Columns for your Google Sheet
If you add the below column headers to the first row of your destination worksheet in your Google Sheet they will magically populate with helpful data from each import.
Column Header | What will populate |
easycsv_import_id | ID of the import (good to troubleshoot any imports you may want to remove) |
easycsv_import_name | Name of the import. Usually the CSV file name. |
easycsv_importer_email | Email of the person who uploaded the CSV. |
easycsv_import_time | Date and Time of the import. |
easycsv_sheet_name | Import page name. |
easycsv_sheet_slug | URL slug of the import page (Example: /store-import) |
easycsv_sheet_id | ID of the import page |
easycsv_import_code | Import Code if you are exchanging temporary import codes with your application. |
easycsv_importer_reply_to | Email of the Reply To field if import was done via email attachment. |
How do I map column names from the CSV being imported to be placed in new columns in the destination Google Sheet?
You can use our Virtual Fields feature. Make the "Output Key" the Google Sheet column header text. Then choose the "Spreadsheet Column Name" from the dropdown. If you don't want to combine values or extract part of a column value you can Leave "Perform action on column value" empty.
How do I re-connect Google Sheets to EasyCSV?
- Make sure you are logged into the correct Google Account and go here: View 3rd Party Apps Access
- Click on "EasyCSV"
- Click the "Remove Access" button.
- Log out of
- Go to the login page with this special link to re-prompt for consent when clicking "Sign in with Google":
Re-connect your Google Account for Google Sheets & Drive Scopes